I am a year eight student at Saint Patrick’s School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room Eight and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Chosen Saint
All Saint Day:
I chose Saint Patrick because in the past he was a preacher also a humble man witch
he has inspired my great great great ! grandad plus my grand wanted to be a Priest
but he failed his Religious Education and didn’t achieve his goal so I wanted to try to follow what he did but to do even more that he did to help others.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Monday, 29 August 2016
Spelling term 3
Walht : Create graphs using a spreadsheet and to analyse data in those displays
The data shows that this student began a with a score of 20
The following week this child dropped back to a score of 16 . Weeks that followed showed a improvement.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Katipo Spiders
People ask me what does a Katipo look like ?
A katipo looks similar to a white tail spider but it has a red diamond on it's back .The size of a katipo is approximately about the same size as a milk bottle lid . They are a endangered species of spider to New Zealand . Katipo is one of the most venomous . Katipo is one of the deadliest in the world .
Katipo can be found around Bush, Trees , Forest and dark places for example like in the basement and house roofs and some dark corner even in a warm location . Also it is capable to deliver venomous liquid to people and not only that but its enemies who approach them .
This spider has built in tools to defend and attack, It uses hey its two fangs to kill its prey by injecting a complex venom when it bites. And it takes a couple minutes to effect the person or the insect . The venom has a polarise effect .
They are also attracted to bits of food and they don’t really like the smell of garlic. And they have nasty spider web .
Conclusion :
Many people think and it’s true when people say that the most beautiful spiders are the most dangerous species in the world.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Laser Tag
In the holiday
Laser Strike
It was just like a fun thing to do in the holidays .
Term 1 Holiday
In term 1 holidays my cousins Lasike, Ronda, Francis plus me went to this amazing game . It was called laser strike (sometimes called “Laser Tag”). When we walked into the building, Lasike counted his money to pay for an hour and a half . It was 47 dollars for all of us altogether . We all combined our money because Lasike did not have enough money .
Things I had to do was to get my gun ready. There are different kind of guns, it took me about an hour to sort out my gun! After that, you need to get a Vest ,it was very heavy. Finally , I had to get some X-ray goggles . It is a good idea to always make sure that your gun is fully charged .
Following this , I had to go to this little room and wait and watch a video showed how to play and how to use my gun . Then we were divided into 3 groups , we were given 10 seconds to hide. While we were playing this girl, who I did not recognize at first, kissed me. She pushed me away and then shot me on the chest I was shocked both times.
I had only 2 more lives left , so I had to make the most of it. Then a couple of minutes later I had to make revenge to get my friend back. She only had one life left. so I sneaked up to her and found her standing with her hands up and her gun on the ground . I had no choice but to shot her on the head .
That day was like a trip to Neverland.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Finding my brother
Once upon a time in 1977, there was a man called RJ. He was a ninja whose dream was to save the entire world from destruction. He was very fast at running. One day he found out that he had a brother from another mother whom he had not met in his lifetime. For a couple of years he tried his best to look for him but in the end he gave up because it was really difficult finding him. Then one day, while he was on his way through a small village he heard a noise coming from the other side where people were selling stuff. He went to check what was happening. Suddenly, this mysterious person appeared in front of him. He felt frightened so he decided to quickly walk away but the villain saw him. RJ started to run and the villain ran after him. Unfortunately, the villain caught him and straight away, punched and kicked RJ and beat him up until he almost lost consciousness. The villain was very strong but eventually RJ was able to defend himself.
While they were fighting, a ninja came out from nowhere and helped RJ from being beaten up by this evil person. After rescuing RJ, the ninja disappeared in the dark. RJ tried to run after him to know and to thank him for saving his life. He finally caught him by the river’s edge. He said to the Ninja, “Thank you for saving me from that villain”. “You are most welcome!”, replied the Ninja. RJ confessed that he needed to learn more about self-defence. The Ninja quickly decided to teach him some self-defence skills. While they were practising, RJ noticed that they had the same strategies and discipline when it comes to fighting and he wondered who taught him those because it’s the kind of skills RJ also learnt from his own mother.
He asked the Ninja,”Where did you learn your great skills in fighting from?” “From my mother who’s also a great ninja. Her name was Rose”, replied the ninja. RJ could not believe what he had just heard. He and the Ninja both had the same mother. At last, he found the brother he had been looking for in ages. He felt incredibly happy!
The End!
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Rainbow milk magic
How to create Rainbow Milk
In science we observed items when
2 ( or more ) substances are mixed together .
- Milk bottle with blue dark top 200 mls
- Detergent
- Eye drop
- Square Bowl
- 4 Food colouring
Method :
1. First you put 200 mls of milk in the bowl
2. Second drop 4-5 food colouring by using the eye drop on the corner of the bowl with 4 different colours .
3 .Then after drip a small amount of detergent in the centre and leave it to form probably
3. Observe what happens next
Monday, 11 April 2016
Friday, 18 March 2016
Today in inquiry we learned about what propagation of seeds are and what different kind of resources we can use with seeds.
Propagation of seeds meaning: Propagation of seeds is the development of creating new plants with different resources ( seeds and other plant parts. )
Propagating a plant/seeding
1 plastic cup
1 pin/compass point or a sharp point
¼ dirt
Tea bags
seeding / seeds
- Firstly , grab your pin or your compass or any
- sharp object you can get and poke holes at
The bottom of your cup
2. Secondly , test your cup if it drains the water out
3. Thirdly ,layer the inside bottom of your cup with pebbles for you drainage
4. And lastly create a hole that will fit your seed/
seeding, then add a little bit more dirt to
Cover any exposed roots or your seeds .
Hypothesis foresee that my plant will propagate and survive. 
Monday, 14 March 2016
Do You Know How To Continue A Pattern?
Walht : find and continue a pattern - recording result in a table
The information from the above models of the factories, was used and displayed in the table below.
number of grey squares
number of red squares
Number of all squares
This information was then used to respond to the questions below.
Be ready to answer questions like:
How many grey squares do we need for the eighth factory? 14
How many grey squares will we need for the hundredth factory? 200
What is the number pattern for the grey squares? X2
How many red squares do we need for the ninth factory? 57
If there are 14 grey squares how many red squares are there? 42
What is the number pattern for the red squares? Add 6 and to each and every answer.
How do we get the number of red squares for one factory from the number of red squares in the factory before that? 3
If we have to use exactly 36 red squares in making a factory, how many grey squares
would we need? 12
How many squares do we need altogether for the seventh factory? 59
What is the number pattern that we are getting for the total number of squares? add 9
If we had 35 tiles, which numbered factory could we make? 4
Which of these numbers are not a number of squares for one of these factories: 20, 21,
22, 23? 23
The data from the table was then copied and used to create the graph below .
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Friday, 12 February 2016
5+ a day
L.I We are learning to identify, name and group a range of vegetables and fruit, as part of our
5+ a day focus.
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