
Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Laser Tag

In the holiday
Laser Strike
It was just like a fun thing to do in the holidays .

Term 1 Holiday
In term 1 holidays my cousins  Lasike, Ronda, Francis plus me  went to this amazing game  . It was called laser strike (sometimes  called “Laser Tag”). When we walked into the building, Lasike counted his money to pay for an hour and a half . It was 47 dollars for all of us altogether . We all combined our money  because Lasike did not have enough money .

Things I had to do was to get my gun ready. There are different kind of guns, it took me about an hour to sort out my gun!  After that, you need to get a Vest ,it was very heavy.  Finally , I had  to get some X-ray goggles . It is a good idea  to  always   make sure that your gun is fully charged .

Following this ,  I  had to go to this little room and wait and watch  a video showed how  to play and how to use my gun  . Then we were divided into 3 groups , we were given 10 seconds to hide. While we were playing this girl, who I did not recognize at  first, kissed me. She pushed me away and then shot me on the chest I was shocked both times.

I had only 2 more lives  left , so I had to make the most of it. Then a couple of minutes later I had to make revenge to get my friend back. She only had one life left. so I sneaked up to her and   found her standing with her hands up and her gun on the ground .  I  had no choice but to shot her on the head .  

 That day was like a trip to Neverland.  

Friday, 6 May 2016

Finding my brother

Once upon a time in  1977, there was a man called RJ. He was a ninja whose dream was to save the entire world from destruction. He was very fast at running. One day  he found out that he had a brother from another mother whom he had not met in his lifetime. For a couple of years he tried his best to look for him but in the end he gave up because it was really difficult finding him. Then one day, while he was on his way through a small village he heard a noise coming from the other side where people were selling stuff.  He went to check what was happening. Suddenly, this mysterious person appeared in front of him. He felt frightened so he decided to quickly walk away but the villain saw him. RJ started to run and the villain ran after him. Unfortunately, the villain caught him and straight away, punched and kicked RJ and beat him up until he almost lost consciousness. The villain was very strong but eventually RJ was able to defend himself.

While they were fighting, a ninja came out from nowhere and helped RJ from being beaten up by this evil person. After rescuing RJ, the ninja disappeared in the dark. RJ tried to run after him to know and to thank him for saving his life. He finally caught him by the river’s edge. He said to the Ninja, “Thank you for saving me from that villain”. “You are most welcome!”, replied the Ninja. RJ confessed that he needed to learn more about self-defence. The Ninja quickly decided to teach him some self-defence skills. While they were practising, RJ noticed that they had the same strategies and discipline when it comes to fighting and he wondered who taught him those because it’s the kind of skills RJ also learnt from his own mother.

He asked the Ninja,”Where did you learn your great skills in fighting from?” “From my mother who’s also a great ninja. Her name was Rose”, replied the ninja. RJ could not believe what he had just heard. He and the Ninja both had the same mother. At last, he found the brother he had been looking for in ages. He felt incredibly happy!

The End!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Rainbow milk magic

How to create  Rainbow Milk
Image result for how to make rainbow milk in a bowl
In science we observed items when
2 ( or more ) substances are mixed together .
  • Milk bottle with blue  dark top 200 mls
  • Detergent
  • Eye drop
  • Square  Bowl
  • 4 Food colouring
Method :
1. First you put 200 mls of milk in the bowl
2. Second drop 4-5 food colouring by using the eye drop on the corner of the bowl with 4 different colours .  
3 .Then after drip a small amount of detergent in the centre and leave it to form probably
3. Observe what happens next