People ask me what does a Katipo look like ?
A katipo looks similar to a white tail spider but it has a red diamond on it's back .The size of a katipo is approximately about the same size as a milk bottle lid . They are a endangered species of spider to New Zealand . Katipo is one of the most venomous . Katipo is one of the deadliest in the world .
Katipo can be found around Bush, Trees , Forest and dark places for example like in the basement and house roofs and some dark corner even in a warm location . Also it is capable to deliver venomous liquid to people and not only that but its enemies who approach them .
This spider has built in tools to defend and attack, It uses hey its two fangs to kill its prey by injecting a complex venom when it bites. And it takes a couple minutes to effect the person or the insect . The venom has a polarise effect .
They are also attracted to bits of food and they don’t really like the smell of garlic. And they have nasty spider web .
Conclusion :
Many people think and it’s true when people say that the most beautiful spiders are the most dangerous species in the world.